Sunday 15 October 2017

Dubai cops may add hoverbikes to collection of high tech tools

Dubai cops may add hoverbikes to collection of high tech tools

The Dubai police force will soon be patrolling city skies on high-tech hoverbikes.

Built by a company called Hoversurf, these machines are officially called Scorpion 3 hoverbikes.

The video description from Hoversurf’s YouTube channel stated that the Dubai police force will be getting these special Scorpion 3s.

As stated on the Dubai police Facebook page, the hoverbikes would fly up to a height of 5 meters with a rider. It could fly up to 6 meters high when operated remotely.

The hoverbikes could be powered with either batteries or gasoline. On battery, it can fly for around 20 to 25 minutes. A full tank of gasoline can give it an hour of flight time. These hoverbikes have a total carrying capacity of 300 kilograms, including the driver.
Dubai’s police force have adopted a number of advanced technologies before. For one, they have a robotic police patrolling a city mall and providing assistance to visitors.

These hoverbikes may come in handy one day when passenger drone aircraft becomes commonplace in Dubai. Authorities plan to have autonomous vehicles ferrying people around Dubai by 2030. The plan projects to include passenger drones

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