Sunday 1 October 2017

Facebook testing facial recognition for unlocking accounts

Facebook testing facial recognition for unlocking accounts

Facebook testing facial recognition for unlocking accounts
It was a matter of time before technology giants joined in the FaceID bandwagon. Not that it is something new and has been around for a while but since Apple unveiled the feature on its iPhone X, it was expected to gain more traction. A media report on Tech Crunch states that Facebook is now set to get its own version of Face ID. 

According to the report, the social media giant is testing a method to regain access to a Facebook account by using facial recognition. In case you get locked out of your Facebook account, the Face ID could come in really handy. 

Tech Crunch quotes a spokesman of Facebook saying, "We are testing a new feature for people who want to quickly and easily verify account ownership during the account recovery process. This optional feature is available only on devices you've already used to log in. It is another step, alongside two-factor authentication via SMS, that were taking to make sure account owners can confirm their identity."

Are you being tracked on internet? Know how to find out

Yes, you are being tracked on internet and several entities are keeping dossier on you. It is so common that you must have found that out yourself. Google does it all the time and so do your social media sites.

When and where the new feature will be rolled out isn't exactly clear. No other information about Facebook's FaceID feature is known as of now.

Meanwhile, in India, Facebook is making it easier for users to donate blood. A new feature has been added to Facebook where users can sign up as blood donors and a message will show in their news feed. The feature started showing up showing up on the timeline from today (October 1), which is also the National Blood Donor Day.

The social media platform has tied up with nonprofit organizations, health industry experts, potential donors and others for this initiative.

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