Wednesday 20 September 2017

Google app v7.12 teardown confirms squeezable sides for the Pixel 2

Google app v7.12 teardown confirms squeezable sides for the Pixel 2

Google app v7.12 teardown confirms squeezable sides for the Pixel 2
 have already come across images and price leaks for the upcoming Pixel 2 XL smartphone along with the PixelBook and the Google Home Mini. But nothing in particular is known about the Pixel 2 smartphone. Now, an app teardown seems to have revealed one of the main features of the Pixel 2 - squeezable sides.

According to the Google app teardown by Android Police, Pixel 2 will be sporting squeezable sides. This feature was first seen earlier this year with HTC U11. Since HTC is being said to be manufacturing the Pixel 2 as well, it justifies the feature inclusion.

Google Pixel XL 2, PixelBook images and prices leaked

The report states that the moniker ‘Pixel 2 XL’ will be the official name of the larger smartphone, which indirectly makes us think the smaller version could be called as the ‘Pixel 2’.

The teardown of the Google app v7.12 shows strings mentioning "Squeeze for your Assistant" and "To change settings for the squeeze gesture, go to your phone's Active Edge settings." This means that Pixel 2 users might be able to reassign the Active Edge feature in a dedicated Settings page.

Google is likely to launch its Pixel 2 smartphone on October 4. The date was revealed in a teaser video on YouTube. The video showed smartphone related questions being searched such as "What's wrong with my phone's battery?", "Why is my phone always out of storage?", "Why doesn't my phone understand me?" In the end the videos shows the text "Funny you should ask", followed by the date, October 4.

Google Home Mini speaker image and price leak

It has been mentioned that the Google Assistant-based speaker will be coming in three colour variants – Chalk, Charcoal, and Coral. The speaker will sport a circular design, shorter height than the Google Home and four LED notification lights on top.

It is worth noting that Google last year also launched its Pixel 2 and the Pixel XL 2 smartphones on October 4.

Until now, it was rumoured that Google will launch its Pixel 2 and the Pixel XL 2 smartphones with Qualcomm Snapdragon 836 processor. The processor was said to be the same as the Snapdragon 835 but with an increased clock speed. However, a report from XDA Developers refuted the claims and stated that the Snapdragon 836 doesn't exist. This indirectly means that the Pixel 2 and the Pixel XL 2 may have to settle for the Snapdragon 835, the processor that is also used in Samsung Galaxy Note 8, S8, S8+, LG V30, HTC U11 and OnePlus 5 among few others.

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