Sunday 3 September 2017

Watch: Apple CEO Tim Cook's cameo in this university's ad

Watch: Apple CEO Tim Cook's cameo in this university's ad

Watch: Apple CEO Tim Cook's cameo in this university's ad

Auburn University has released two new commercials featuring
 one of its most notable alumni, Apple CEO Tim Cook. The advertisements focus on how a degree from the university can be a powerful tool to achieve success in career goals.

In one of the ads, Cook along with a group of alumni, is seen linked together by college football's tradition -— the eagle flight. The ad shows Cook using his iPad to do a FaceTime call to a student in the University during a college football game. He is shown doing this from the company's headquarters in California. 

The others featuring in the ad are Robert Cofield, engineer, Tesla; Laura Folse, CEO, BP Wind Energy; Ace Atkins, New York Times bestselling author; Carrie Williams, producer, Comedy Central; and presiding justice Harold Melton, Supreme Court of Georgia.

In the second commercial, which focuses solely on Cook, the Apple CEO is seen talking about the university. He is seen sharing his own experience with the students and giving them advice.

Cook is an alumnus of Auburn University in Alabama. He graduated from Auburn in 1982 with a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering.

The university has also launched a website which features the profiles of all these alumni to complement the ad.

In another news this week, Cook received $89.6 million as part of a 10-year deal that he signed as an incentive to keep the iPhone maker at the forefront of the technology industry after he took over the reins in 2011 from company's co-founder Steve Jobs.

Cook got the other 280,000 shares for simply staying on the job. He is still in line to receive 2.94 million shares of Apple stock currently valued at $479 million (based on Tuesday's closing price of $162.91).

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